Our Curriculum Implements Best Practices From All Over The World
Singapore math is proven worldwide to be the most effective way to teach problem-solving skills and develop an in-depth mathematical understanding, number sense, and the ability to perform mental calculations. Our curriculum promotes the development of the life-long intellectual process of making sense and critically interpreting any human communication or action, in order to improve it.

preschool 1 and 2
Preschool, the beginning of a great adventure! Deseret preschoolers are very curious, with a desire to discover and learn. At Colegio Deseret we recognize this curiosity as the motor of learning and we address it as such with an effective combination of play, music, reading, math, art, English and various physical activities.
Deseret preschool is an extension of the home, where teachers foster an environment of safety and care from day one. This creates an easy transition period for children, and they enjoy coming to school so much that they ask their parents to stay longer at the end of the day! Deseret preschoolers learn to interact socially and solve problems in a healthy way, building their self esteem and recognizing that we can all learn from our mistakes. Parents, children and teachers all make up the Deseret community, developing a strong sense of belonging that is essential to wellbeing
Preschool 1
The first five years of life are crucial for the foundational development of intelligence, personality and social behavior. Each child has her or his own learning pace, so children of the same age are not always at the same level. Their development depends on the stimuli to which they are exposed. Attending the first year of preschool at Colegio Deseret positively influences their life by having positive effects on cognitive, emotional and social development. Children who start from Preschool 1, acquire greater autonomy, self-confidence, physical, mental and emotional maturity, which allow them to be more receptive to subsequent learning.
On a normal day… Upon arriving at the classroom, the 3-year-olds get into the habit of greeting their teacher and classmates, they leave their backpack and lunch box in their designated place, and go into the circle to sing songs and listen to stories. It’s amazing how many new words they say every day in both English and Spanish! During class, they go out to the garden, gain confidence by jumping, running and climbing stairs. They learn to share and use materials properly, they become more independent in their personal care, and they complete toilet training.
Preschool 2
All activities are designed to give them the opportunity to improve and expand their relationships with other children and adults in an environment of trust. They are encouraged to explore the world through interactions that allow them to solve problems, make sense of and critically interpret each of their experiences. At this age, they begin the formal teaching of mathematics, reading and writing as learning tools. Their interactions with everyday objects allow them to obtain information, ask questions, test what they know and think, in a perfect environment of knowledge and fun.
On a normal day … The children arrive happy and very excited to tell the teacher what they think about things that catch their attention. As there are few children in each group, each child has the opportunity to express his or her ideas and ask questions, but also to respectfully and supportively listen to others. The teacher takes the childrens’ interests into account to make the classes more exciting and fun, such as Math in English, which is a class favorite. Children use plastic insects or toy cars for counting, they learn to solve story problems, and to play in the green spaces, allowing them to test their physical skills as they discover the alphabet and numbers.

preschool 3
Learning to read and write at Colegio Deseret Preschool 3 is so much fun! Stories become the key strategic element that helps them leverage the verbal language skills that they already possess. Teachers use elements known to the children to help students discern them visually and audibly, and to integrate them into written words and phrases in both English and Spanish. Our program is designed to help children become critical thinkers and self-reliant individuals who love to read stories, write their own stories, and to become people who radiate confidence and happiness.
On a normal day… children interact with various objects, the names of which they already know how to write in both English and Spanish, and that they use those items to practice addition and subtraction, to carry out experiments, and to solve problems or make artistic creations. The teacher dictates words to them, and attentively listens as children talk about what they have read during the month.

first, second and third
Our educational model is a sequence of phases that supports the cycle of introduction, understanding and application of knowledge in both English and Spanish. At Colegio Deseret, learning is active and collaborative. Children solve problems, they observe and ask questions, they investigate and draw conclusions, not simply to memorize concepts, but to make sense of the changes that occur in their environment, and to make decisions that promote their own wellbeing and that of others. At this stage, the mathematics program introduces the bar model, which is a symbolic representation that gives logical meaning to problems. Each topic is covered in detail and is practiced until mastered. This leads to spiraling progress that achieves a higher level of difficulty in each grade.

fourth, fifth and sixth
As students start their Fourth Grade they are evaluated using the TIMSS protocol in order to determine what they have learned during their first three years in elementary education.
TIMSS is used to improve both teaching and learning of mathematics and science.
At Colegio Deseret Senior Elementary, children engage in an ideal work pace, and they become increasingly capable and confident. In all activities they are taught to monitor their own thought process, to be aware of the strategies they use, and to draw their own conclusions, to express themselves clearly, and to defend their point of view. In mathematics, they progress by learning the 8-step strategy for problem solving, which aims to analyze information and develop complex mathematical thinking skills. They can make inferences, organize ideas into diagrams, use different sources of information, present their findings using technology, and much more! Students take pride in their accomplishments and delight in acquiring more advanced knowledge as they take responsibility for their actions and gain greater independence in setting personal goals.
extended classes
Colegio Deseret offers an extended class program (1:30 p.m.– 4 p.m.) after regular school hours for kindergarten through sixth grade students. The time is structured, and activities are organized for the maximum benefit of students.
summer school
Whether you want your child to advance academically or just have some summer fun, Colegio Deseret is the perfect way to enrich your child’s summer days. Students are engaged in unique learning exercises, drills, and activities.